Helping Hands

There are innumerable number of people who have no shelter to live ,food to eat and the worst thing is that they don’t even have access to clean water .But still most of us spend so lavishly on weddings even though we are aware that it’s just a mere wastage of money nothing else .We... Continue Reading →

The Innocence of a kid

I saw a kid begging just outside my car window when I realized that I had seen that girl earlier. She went missing in the crowd still somehow I managed to find her out. She was roughly 6yrs or 7.Her frock was torn out and her hair was messy. I took her on my lap... Continue Reading →


I adore her She is my love, my life. in my ephemeral life She spurs me how to cross ordeal I admit it She is my love, my life. In my achromatic life She provokes me how to become chromatic I admire her She is my love, my life. In my workaholic nature she instigate... Continue Reading →

Gentle Love

I am kissing you politely No sound, no disturbance with no clarification I wanna bite you softly on lips So can lick your intense blood I can feel your breathing, so hard Your intense feeling making me so tough This night, let you to the exotic adventure Touching you softly like a pearl

Silence Tear

Today, one year later, Soumya was watching Vivaan, her eyes collided coincidentally That too suddenly She wanted to speak a lot Hey Vivan Do you know what? Whenever I thought that I am not this, it is we,I felt you, i felt i was around you, when I was lost in a long crowd of... Continue Reading →


आज करवा चौथ है, वो ठंडी ठंडी हवाएं, रूह को ऐसे छू के गुजर रही थी, मानो जेठ की गर्मी में बे मौषमी बारिश मिल गई हो, आज की शाम में कुछ अलग ही रंग था, कुछ अलग ही जश्न कुछ अलग ही नशा, आज वो भी कपल साथ मे दिख रहे थे जिन्होंने लड़ने... Continue Reading →

Dear Future Husband

Dear future husbandकुछ बात करनी थी आपसेदिल के हालत कुछ ख़ास नहीं है और तुम्हारे भी निशा आस पास नहीं हैपहले ये बताओ कहा हो कैसे हो अल्लाह रहम-ए-करम बस सब अच्छे होंतुमसे दूर रहने पे बड़ी तड़पती हु मैं तुम्हारे ख्वाबो में यूँ ही गुजरती हु मैंपर आजकल तो हद्दे पार कर दी हैं... Continue Reading →

वो लड़की

बंद मुठी रेत की जो यु हाथों से झरने लगती है निराशा से वो लड़की आज यु मरने लगती है कशुर ना था उसका दबोचा किसी ने जो था पीछे से शर्मशार कर इनायत को खरोंचा जो सिने से वो तरप रही झल्ला रही खींचा जो कोने में वो लड़की आज खुद साये में भी... Continue Reading →

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